Bocce Ball

June brings the start of Bocce Ball season. We generally practice on Monday evenings at a park in Plymouth with six sand bocce courts. During the first few weeks of practice, athletes must be present so that scores can be collected and sent to register for Area Competition. Area and state competitions may be on a grass court, so athletes get experience on different surfaces. Some practices and skills will take place on grass so that athletes can get some practice before Area.

Although bocce is not always known to most athletes and families, it’s a sport for most everyone who can hold the bocce ball.  Our team also competes with modified bocce ball sets that are smaller and lighter in weight for our younger athletes. The idea is to throw a ball close to the small, white ball called a pallina. The player with the balls closest to the pallina earns points.  A score of 12 wins the match.

Typical attire is shorts, a t-shirt and closed-toe shoes, typically tennis shoes.

Bocce is played as singles, doubles or unified doubles.  If needed, athletes may use a ramp for launching a bocce ball. This sport is a great opportunity for athletes to play as a doubles team with a fellow teammate or as a unified team with a family member.  The family or friend must complete Level 1 Coach training to become a Unified Partner. See to register to be a Unified Partner.

Visit for more information.


Details of Practice: 

When: Mondays 6 – 7 p.m. beginning June 10th

Where: Plymouth Creek Center – Bocce Ball Courts


  • Area Meet – Saturday, July 27th
  • State Fall Games – September 27-29

Visit the Registration Page to register now until May 1st

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