
Check our Home page and our Events Calendar for updates about upcoming or current fundraisers!

Team G relies on our fundraising events to support our athletic programs and pay for uniforms, facility rentals, competition fees, sporting equipment and social activities.

Our primary fundraising events include:

  • Plane Pull – September
  • Unified Dance Marathon – November
  • Polar Bear Plunge, Minneapolis – First weekend in March
  • SOMN Raffle Ticket Sale – Summer
  • R-Word T-shirt Sales – Jan – March

Each family is expected to participate in at least one fundraising event a year to help pay for expenses and keep the cost of participation for athletes to no cost.

Other opportunities to support the team include:

  • Many employers will provide a donation to a charitable organization if their employee volunteers a required number of hours per year.
  • Your United Way donation can be specifically designated to Team G. Please write in 11GIG – Team G
  • Many companies will provide a corporate match to employee charitable donations.

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