
Team G swimming is a spring sport that runs from March to June and is generally held in a St. Louis Park area pool.

To be eligible for the swim team, the athlete MUST be able to swim at least 1 length of the pool on their own and know basic swimming skills. While we will work on skills and technique during practice, we are not   providing swim lessons. If your athlete requires 1 on 1 attention, you may be asked to either volunteer or have someone available to be with the athlete.

All volunteers and coaches are Level 1 certified and background checked. Level 2 coaches will help athletes work on their skills they need to focus on for their ability level.  Level 1 coaches are in the water or offering extra encouragement from the sides.

Times are checked a few weeks prior to Area to allow athletes to be placed in the correct division.  Athletes compete as much as possible against other swimmers of like ability. Athletes are then placed in divisions for State based on their times from Area.  Often there are more than one division in a heat so an athlete may be beaten by someone swimming in the pool at the same time but actually still win their division.

Athletes are provided with a Team G swim suit and swim cap for competition but must have their own goggles and towel.   Athletes should be in their suit and ready to go five minutes prior to the start of practice.  They will do their dry land stretching in their suit so they can get right in the water to practice.

Priority will be given as follows:

  • Swim team members from last season;
  • Athletes that are committing to compete at both Area and State meets (reminder that athlete may only compete in 1 sport at Summer games);
  • In order of being added to wait list, if needed

Details of Practice: 

  • Wednesdays 6-7 p.m. beginning March 25th
  • St. Louis Park – Central Pool
  • Area Meet – April 19th
  • Summer Games – June 19th – 21st

Please be sure to review the requirements before signing up your athlete on the registration page.


Please see specialolympicsminnesota.org/sports/swimming for more information about events.

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